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Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Tuesday, 9 December 2008 | 19:15 WIB

JAKARTA, first - Media berciri the new digital has several advantages, such as speed, the instant interaction, can build community, and global berjangkauan. This is a big challenge for print media.

Therefore, disclosed a senior journalist Kompas daily, Ninok Leksono, the discussion is limited Kovergensi Media: Opportunities and Challenges in the New Media Indonesia in Jakarta on Tuesday (9 / 12).

A new era where digital technology and the Internet has been developing to bring more new media. This new media has changed in a dramatic way to communicate. Anywhere, anytime, people can access information from a variety of platforms simultaneously.

"Speed and accuracy are the characters new media, such as online, mobile, radio and TV, appearing first, while the print media can not appear," said Ninok Leksono. For cases of Mumbai were reported by journalists and citizens through Twitter blog during the early hours attack Mumbai 26 November 2008.

In a second, more than one news with the word 'Mumbai' through Twitter. "News disorderly, but it still means that when the mainstream media still find the news," said Ninok Leksono.

Especially at this time, many issues that need real-time information support for decision-making. Needs this information quickly, facilitated by technology.

"Technology is very big influence. Merging information and communication technology allows terakomodasinya needs to get information in a flexible, anywhere, anytime," said Ninok Leksono. New media, especially online and mobile developed in line with the emergence of the digital generation more familiar with the internet and mobile phones.

Meanwhile, the old media, like print media, to be slow. 24-hour periods newspaper did not fit with the dynamics of the age and is less interactive. "In addition, products and geographic distribution, vulnerable to price fluctuations affected paper, limited in the development community, limited to text and still image," said Ninok Leksono.

However, online journalism also has its own challenges. Ninok Leksono states, the superior speed of new media not to question the accuracy of the expense of news.

Copy and paste the issues plagiarisme means ignoring intellectual property rights. "This could encourage journalists to be lazy," said Ninok Leksono.

Dyah elegant Messwati

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